As a new small business how have you been staying positive during this uncertain time?
“Just like many other people in my position there was a little ‘freaking out’ when we finally had to make the decision to close our shop down. The first week was somewhat stressful as I kept focusing on all the expenses that would accrue without any income. By the second week I was figuring out what to do for clients at home. Soon we were up and running full force with online tele-visits and skincare consults and launching an online store. Two things I would have never spent time doing if the pandemic hadn’t closed us down. Maintaining the close relationships with my clients was important and virtual consults bridged the gap perfectly.”
What’s your secret to success as a small business owner?
“Wearing multiple hats and loving every one of them as a chance to learn and grow. Being an early stage startup we have learned we need to complete quality work and personal relationships. Building relationships builds trust. If they trust you then they will sing your praises to family and friends. We are flattered by word of mouth referrals from our clients who have a unique personal experience at our Med Spa and didn’t feel like they were being rushed or up sol products or services they didn’t need is our biggest strength.”
What’s your favorite EC Scott product and why?
“I got introduced to One Love Organics Botanical B Enzyme Cleansing Oil by a fellow nurse injector. This product just feels so good when applying it that I don’t want to wash it off! Putting on this enzyme oil is my favorite part of my skincare routine. Confession: I sometimes double or triple apply as I am a huge fan of how it makes me feel.”
If you could only do three steps of your beauty routine forever, what would you choose?
“I love this question. I call this little secret ‘the trifecta of skincare.’
- Sunscreen
- Vitamin C Serum
- Retinol/ Retin-A in your skincare
Keep it simple but effective with key ingredients to treat your skin fabulously.”
What’s the most unique beauty or business advice you have received?
“Stop focusing on what you ASSUME everyone else thinks about you. Learn the science of the products, and you will be the best skincare advisor for real people with real skin issues that can’t be solved with generic solutions. Think out of the box and get creative.
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