Skincare routines do not have to be complicated. For those that are not dealing with a specific issue like acne, sunspots or fine lines and wrinkles you can start simple.
Think of your skin-care routine as consisting of three main steps:
- Cleansing — Washing your face.
- Toning — Balancing the skin.
- Moisturizing — Hydrating and softening the skin.
Tip: With any skin-care product, apply in order of consistency — from thinnest to thickest. For example, cleanser, toner (if you use it), serums, and then moisturizer or other creamy-based products at the end. Always finishing with Sunscreen. (SPF in makeup is not enough)
If you are in your 30s and 40s, then most of us are dealing with early signs of aging or maybe pigment. For you, I would recommend seeing an esthetician see what products are right for you.
One last tip: starting a regimen considered “professional grade or medical grade” will get you results a lot faster than the products you can find in the pharmacy or your local grocery store.
Results are seen with consistent use so give products a minimum of 6-8 weeks before giving up on them.
Products Used:
One Love Organics Enzyme Cleansing
OilGlyMed Gentle Facial Wash with BIOCell-sc
Skinceuticals Conditioning Toner
Skinceuticals CE ferulic
Skinceuticals Discoloration Defense
Sente Dermal Dermal Contour Pressed Serum
Elta MD UV clear sunscreen
Mizzi Cosmetics Lip balm
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