It is a low-powered tool that destroys red skin spots or cherry angiomas, skin tags, sun sport or seborrheic keratosis, and many other undesirable blemishes on your skin. The depth of the removal is shallow and precise. A scab or protective crust will build up and protect the healthy skin during the healing process. A Hyfrecator is one of the safest and best treatment modes for superficial lesions like red spots and skin tags.

Prices start at $200.


  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Minimal to no scarring
  • Safe, fast, and easy
  • Instant improvement to all skin blemishes indicate

What to Expect

Treatments for skin tag removal are mildly uncomfortable. Most patients do not require any numbing cream and will often describe the treatment as a hot sensation. Your provider may apply a cool compress to minimize this sensation.

How Many Sessions Will I Need?

Most patients see the complete removal of their skin blemish with one session, although up to 3 sessions (and/or maintenance) may be needed for broken capillaries or skin tags. Unlike other methods available, the Hyfrecator requires minimal downtime after your procedure. You may be red or have small scabbed areas for a few days following.


  • Patients will experience little-to-no downtime after their skin tag removal treatment.
  • The treated areas will become crusty and fall off over the next few days. You may use Aquaphor to areas treated. Refrain from picking at the scabs as that could lead to scarring.

We believe that natural-looking is always the best-looking.

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